lol this game is kinda homeworld like but may have less graphics or stuff but this game is very wicked like i said on review on kargs new comment that this game is a website game and cd games were ment to be better but thisgame is te best i found on this internet and i played this like 6 onths ago and remembered about it 2 days ago and spent practically all that tie trying to find it until i found it on kongerate games and when i played it again it just brought back good memories of me destroying the same same ships 6 months agoXD
but for god sakes please continue his game series(ifthere be one)becuase i thought being 1 2 3 4 was fun but this game beats all 4 of em together:D for god sakes i cant wait to play the next game of this for gods sake this is fun!!!!!
oh and is there any way to add a info thing on the ships ya fight?
like the ships you face you pause the gam,e and their a info thing about the ship and its weak points and so on?
god i cant freaking wait to play the next game i cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cat wait cant wait god my hands hurt so much right now cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait ok im done with the cant wait stuffXD
heh you are a god of webistes games for making this game please continue on it for gods sake please=D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!