Pointless Tips: Cocos2D PList textureImageData
It may happen that a Cocos2D Plist file (for instance, one used by the particle system) to embed the texture data in a textureImageData field. It may so happen that you want to extact this into an actual image.
textureImageData is a Base64 zipped png 😀
If you have access to bash (on a Linux, MinGW or Cygwin), here’s the one-liner to get your image:echo Copy/Paste Here the Base64 encoded string from textureImageData | base64 --decode | gunzip -c - > result.png
Or, if the Base64 encoded string is too incovenient to paste in the terminal, create a file out of it and:echo textureImageData.txt | base64 --decode | gunzip -c - > result.png
Otherwise, you may use an online tool to decode Base64, then open the archive with 7zip. Works just as well.