The Year Of Reminiscing
I have recently open-sourced on the Piron Games GitHub most of the non-commercial projects I’ve worked on between 1992-1999 (and a few bits after, more on that later).
Fullscreen Mostly Working
Recently did some updates to WP theme JS libs (and Unity related html) and fullscreen should be working correctly for most of my games now. Cocos Creator made games, from Don’t Worry to Math Maze are working fine. Unity games (Snake Island, Last Ball and Bumper To Bumper) have been modified for improved fullscreen support. […]
Nostalgia: KStereo – A Stereograms Generator
Going though the stuff I made in the 90’s and found this stereogram generator. It was developed in 1997 in Turbo Pascal. One of my friends showed me a book of stereograms and I remember having difficulty seeing them (bad vision or maybe too good of a vision? 🙂 ). Found the maths in a […]
The Exception Inception
During handling of the above exception, another exception occured. — some random Python library Yikes.
Planet Maybe Rock
Imagine calling yourself “Planet Rock” and cutting “Comfortably Numb” short – right in middle of the guitar solo – for a commercial break.
Stack trace from FlexUnit, a very old unit test framework for ActionScript 3. Who said programmers don’t have imagination choosing method names?
How Could Elon’s X Turn Profitable
Add two more X to the name.
New Unity Splash Screen
In the light of Unity Technologies Inc announcement that they will charge $0.20 per game install, I took the liberty to update the Unity Editor splash screen. Here it is, in all its glory (and all its horror): If Unity wants to use this, I offer it for a bargain price of $0.20 per Unity […]
Friday Thought
Hell is watching gambling ads 24/7
So For Now Wave Goodbye
It seems that another era of Piron Games must come to an end, as much as I dislike to admit it. It’s been a productive one, reaching a milestone of 25 browser games developed, creating level packs for some of them, maintaining and improving others, learning a lot of Cocos Creator, Unity and other game […]