SuperChicken Is Here!
Play SuperChicken Battles the Penguin Horde Do you know why did SuperChicken cross the road? To shoot the invading penguins and save the chicks, of course. What’s inside 2 heroes, SuperChicken and BabyChicken, each with different superpowers For each hero, 10 campaign missions where you’ll get a shot at the Penguin King “Forever Endless” to […]
Orbital Decay – Now with Leaderboards!
Finally finished implementing the leaderboards for Orbital Decay. Play, record your score, carve your name in the hall of fame! 🙂 Been a wild ride forging this with CodeIgniter, php, sql, RESTful, haxe/as3-to-REST communication, integrating into my own custom arcade…happy this works as expected. (oh yeah, and report any bugs you might find)
“Experience working in agile environments”
== our management is so incompetent that will often set unrealistic milestones that require lots of over-time, will change goals many times half-way through project, will only issue very loose requirements and will gang-rape you for not meeting them? 🙂
(not so)Fans #2
Originally posted in the Kongregate forums here. I find it intriguing that someone would spend so much time writing about a piece of shit game (Orbital Decay) he so much hated. Oh well. Internet is a curious place 🙂
Time Travelling is Just Too Dangerous
20 years ago…Sinclair Basic 18 years ago…Pascal 14 years ago…C++ 8 years ago…Java 3 years ago…Haxe
Know Your Audience
Here’s this little puzzle game, Robo Riot by UrbanSquall. Just see the screenshot below, it’s cute. Crisp pixel-art like, special effects, all in all, great production value. But, at the same time, there’s something so wrong with it. The puzzle mechanic is, essentially, designed for a casual audience, you know how marketing defines that: women […]
Teaser: SuperChicken Battles the Penguin Horde
Coming soon…
lol this game is kinda homeworld like but may have less graphics or stuff but this game is very wicked like i said on review on kargs new comment that this game is a website game and cd games were ment to be better but thisgame is te best i found on this internet and […]
Haxe Preloader – Back to Square One
(it’s going to be a rather long rant regarding the latest experiences with Haxe) In the beginning, Haxe games couldn’t preload. What Flash IDE can do with a click (“export in frame 1″) and Flex can do with some lines of code, there was no way of doing it in Haxe. Truth is, in the […]
The Easter Eggs in Orbital Decay
Two of them and rather…obscure. They are closely related to one easter egg in Fallout 3. Yeah, who would have thought one can actually find a place to hide easter eggs in that game? 🙂 Please find them and return them to me 😉