Walkthrough: Orbital Decay

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This is the walkthrough for Orbital Decay Comments are welcomed.

Mochibot Stats: Ninjas!

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Here are the Mochibot stats for Ninjas! The stats are for game “impressions” (or game loads – one mochibot ping after the game loaded). It’s not quite a “success” due to its rather obscure gameplay: what started as a cute&light puzzle turned into a hardcore action-puzzle. But I guess having “ninja” in the title helped […]

Huge Method

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I think it’s time for a refactoring (production code from a commercial Nintendo DS game). The method had over 2000 lines. Yes…2k lines!

Pure Power

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It’s a discontinued project that we ran at Piron almost 10 years ago and was supposed to be a real-time tactics game, close to the design of Fallout Tactics, Gorky 17 or Incubation games. I find it funny to watch the work we did very long time ago, so here’s the former site and a […]

Preview Born of Fire TD

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FlashGameLicense have recently crafted a nifty add-on to their already rich roster of services: previewer accounts. That is, gamers may sign up and preview (what else?) the latest Flash games. It’s quite cool since, relying on the gamers experience, we can now have better feedback on the games we develop and have the opportunity to […]

If JayIsGames Readers Say So…

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…Orbital Decay made it in the top ten browser shooters of 2009. Thanks for the votes! Hooray! 🙂

The Salty Programmer: The Great Dictator

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Don’t ever mess with a lead programmer! (production code from a game for Nintendo DS )

Born of Fire Gameplay Video

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Here it is!

The King

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Here’s the king making a lonely stand against the armies of hell. The skill icons are placeholders, they will be replaced in the final version. While not much to do on the programming aside from fixing occasional bugs, there is still a hell with over 30 maps to lay out, 4 hero classes totaling 40 […]

Busy Busy

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So, here goes 3 months and no update.  Luckily, Born of Fire TD is still going on (it was a huge undertaking, programming & design wise) and things are right now in the phase “add one feature and nine bugs happily pop-up”. Hope to post some screens and maybe a gameplay movie by the next […]