Never Retreat, Never Surrender

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And never quit. Such is the spirit of the Unity 3D warrior 😀

Wobbly Dot Bonus Dot Avatars

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Bonus avatars have landed in Wobbly Dot and are available in the Shop section! This is my way of saying “thank you” to the players that have played the games I’ve made and supported them through Web Monetization. If you’re not using Web Monetization, but like to play games and support the game developers, please […]

HTTPS Transition

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As you might have noticed, you can now access in its secure, HTTPS form. As a down-side of the transition, games on the secure version don’t share saved progress and settings (due to the fact that browser local storage is separate for HTTP and HTTPS). On the bright side, bad people don’t get to […]

Pet Me!

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I close shave my head for as long as I remember. I’ve been petted by men and women alike for many times. I didn’t mind at all. To be honest, it’s a nice feeling, like touching a brush bristles. You all need to chill down a few notches. If you think petting people is yuck, […]

Competitive Gamer? More Games With Leaderboards Are Here!

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After a couple of hours of work, Drople, Dododox, Wiggly Things and Amazing Acrobats got their leaderboards. Score will be automatically submitted at the end of the run (or if you reload for some of the games), but only if you are a logged user. As bonus, Wiggly Things score system was redone to take […]

Don’t Be An Asshole

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Browsing comments on one of my older games, Loose Cannon Physics on Kongregate unearthed this little gem of a comment: Didn’t like the game very much at all, seen similar games before, but i’m actually going to “help” you, since i didn’t like it. Gonna fix some fake ratings, ads-pressning och visits on the sponsors […]

How To Break Into The Games Industry

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Q: How did you break into game development industry?A: I didn’t. I knocked and they let me in. By the time I’ve got my first game dev job, I already had a fair sized portfolio of hobbyist games, been part of two game dev startups (Pure Power and Cyber Ninja), and been through various non-games […]

Pointless Tips: Record Your Game-play Video

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If you’re an indie trying to record your game-play video to post in on Reddit, for the love of all that’s holy, please stop using the Bandicam demo version! You’ve got ShareX, which is free, open-source and doesn’t slap a goddamn watermark in the middle of your precious video 😀

Corvid 19

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Looks like someone’s been playing too much raven/widow mines lately 😀

The Cats Of Purrtastic Four

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I have to admit that I’m not a cat person, nor a dog person. I’m neutral to pets, I can appreciate their company, but I prefer to be somehow distant. Like cats behave toward humans :p However, cats have permeated my life that it’s difficult to swing around and not trip into any. Where I […]