Dododox is a little arcade game, sporting minimal art and tight gameplay. If you like games with balls and blocks with numbers on, this is for you!
The goal is to shoot the balls and destroy all blocks before they hit the ground. As the blocks increase in durability, more balls will be available to collect!
Try to score as high as you can. If you are logged in, the score will be submitted automatically, so play on and see if you can top the leaderboards!
This is the companion game of Drople. If you've enjoyed that one, I hope you'll enjoy Dododox as well!
This game was coded in Typescript and Cocos Creator was used as the middle-ware. Target, is, of course, HTML5 :)
The game was developed immediately after Drople, using pretty much the same framework. As with my other games, art was done in Inkscape and I'm using CC0 and CC-BY licensed audio from
The music track is called Horizon Ending by Soft And Furious and is licensed under CC0.